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You deserve the best â€“ and the best business schools are accredited by . Accreditation serves as your assurance that a business school has achieved the highest standards in curriculum, faculty, facilities and other dimensions of business education. Only 30% of business schools in the U.S. and 5% globally have achieved the distinction of AACSB accreditation.

GSB Competency Goals

Upon graduation, Gabelli School of Business students will possess the following competencies:

Competency Goal 1.

Critical and Analytical Thinking Competence: Students will understand critical thinking processes and be able to make reasoned decisions and engage in thoughtful problem solving. 

Objective: Students will apply core reasoning skills when solving business problems.

Competency Goal 2. 

Team Competence: Students will understand effective team practices and be able to function successfully in team environments. 

Objective: Students will effectively collaborate and contribute in team environments.

Competency Goal 3.

Professional Communication Competence: Students will understand contemporary business communication practices and be able to communicate effectively across multiple modalities and contexts.

Objective 1: Students will create well-written documents.

Objective 2. Students will develop and deliver effective presentations.

Competency Goal 4.

Responsible Business Competence: Students will understand the ethical, social, ecological, and economic implications of business activities as they relate to internal and external stakeholders and be able to engage in responsible business practices.

Objective: Students will integrate and apply multiple lenses to facilitate responsible business decisions. 

Competency Goal 5.

Global Competence: Students will have global knowledge, intercultural skills, and a globally inclusive mindset.

Objective 1: Students will be able to navigate cross cultural interactions successfully.

Objective 2: Students will demonstrate a globally inclusive mindset.