Faculty Scholarship - B

Bai, Chunyan

Paz-y-Miño-C, Guillermo and Avelina Espinosa, and Chunyan Y. Bai. 2011.  Evolution: Education and Outreach 4, (3): 502-514. 

Bauer, Lisa

Bauer, Lisa R. . CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. 

Benitz, Maija

Jeznach L.C., Benitz M.A., Conrad S. “" International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, Vol 15, No. 1, 2023. 

Benitz M.A. “," 130th American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, MD, June 25-28, 2023. 

Benitz, M. A, & Yang, L. (2021). . 13(16):9334.

Benitz M.A., Jeznach L.C., Conrad S. “Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 on Feelings of Stress and Anxiety in Women Engineering Students," 128th American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Long Beach, CA (virtual), July 26-29, 2021.

Benitz M.A. “Teaching in the Era of COVID-19: A Reinvented Course Project for an Ocean Engineering Course," 128th American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Long Beach, CA (virtual), July 26-29, 2021.

Benitz, M. A., & Yang, L. (2020). . Advances in Engineering Education, 8 (4), 1-8. 

Benitz, M. A., & Yang, L. (2020, June). . 127th American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 21-24, 2020. 

Benitz, M. A., Jeznach, L. C., Conrad, S. (2019, November). Understanding Risk and Resiliency Factors in Undergraduate Engineering Students. WE '19: Society of Women Engineers Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA.

Benitz M.A., Yang L. (2019). , The North American Wind Energy Association, Journal of Physics Conference Series. 

Benitz, M.A., Carlson D.W., Seyed-Aghazadeh B., Modarres-Sadeghi Y., Lackner M.A., & Schmidt, D.P. (2016, September). Computers & Fluids, 136, 247-259. 

Benitz, M. A., Schmidt, D.P., Lackner, M. A., Stewart, G. M., Jonkman, J., & Robertson, A. (2015).  Proceedings of the ASME 2015: 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering 9 : Ocean Renewable Energy. St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. 

Benitz M.A., Lackner M.A., & Schmidt D.P. (2015, April). 44, 692-716. 

Benitz M.A., Schmidt D.P., Lackner M.A., Jonkman J., Robertson A., & Stewart G.S. (2014, June).  Proceedings Series: 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, CA: San Francisco.

Romanescu C., Benitz M., and Copeland R.A. (2008, February). Temperature Dependence of NO(v = 1 and 3) Vibrational Relaxation by NO and O atoms. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Western Spectroscopy Association Conference, Pacific Grove, CA. 

Berman, Garrett

Paiva, Melissa, Garrett L. Berman, Brian L. Cutler, Judith Platania, and Ryan Weipert. 2011. ".  Legal and Criminological Psychology 16 (2): 266-276. 

Hall, Terese A., Nathan E. Cook and Garrett L. Berman. 2010. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 10 (2): 69-90. 

Berman, Garrett and Judith Platania. 2007. "." American Psychology Law Society News 27 (3): 12-14.  

Zaitchik, Matt C., Garrett L. Berman, Don Whitworth, and Judith Platania. 2007. "" Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 7 (2): 65-71. 

Platania, Judith and Berman, Garrett. 2006. "" Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice 2 (2):  84-101. 

Berman, Garrett and Cutler, Brian L. 1998.  "."  Psychology, Crime & Law 4 (2): 89-106. 

Berman, Garrett and Cutler, Brian L. 1996. "." Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (2) 170-177. 

Berman, Garrett, Douglas J. Narby and Brian L. Cutler. 1995. "."  Law and Human Behavior 19 (1) 79-88. 

Bernardi, Richard

Larkin, Meredith B., Richard A. Bernardi,  & Susan M. Bosco. 2013.  ""  Accounting and the Public Interest, 13. 

Davis, Julia, D., Richard A. Bernardi, & Susan M. Bosco. 2013.    International Business Research, 6 (1):, 63-75. 

Larkin, Meredith B., Richard A. Bernardi, and Susan M. Bosco. 2012.  International Journal of Banking and Finance 9 (1): 1-16. 

Davis, Julia D., Richard A. Bernardi, & Susan M. Bosco. 2012.    International Business Research 5 (9): 49-59.

Rapp, Jenny K., Richard A. Bernardi, & Susan M. Bosco. 2011. " International Business Research 4 (1): 3-15. 

Bernardi, Richard A., Susan M. Bosco, & V.L. Columb. 2009.  "  Corporate Reputation Review 12 (3): 270-280.

Bernardi, Richard A., Bosco, S. M., & Vassill, K. M. 2006.  Business and Society 45 (2), 235-248.

Bernardi, R. A., Bosco, S. M., & Vassill, K. M. 2004.  Does Female Representation on Boards of Directors Associate with Fortune's 100 'Best Companies' List.  International Applied Business Research Conference.

Bernardi, Richard. A., Susan M. Bosco, & K.M. Reis. 2004.    Journal of Business & Economics Research 2 (12): 1-10.

Bilotti, Karen

Bilotti, K., & Case, M. (2017). Double Helix: A Journal of Critical Thinking and Writing, 5. 

Bosco, Susan

Larkin, Meredith B., Richard A. Bernardi,  & Susan M. Bosco. 2013.    Accounting and the Public Interest, 13. 

Davis, Julia, D., Richard A. Bernardi, & Susan M. Bosco. 2013.  International Business Research, 6 (1): 63-75. 

Diercksen, Michael, Matthew DiPlacido, Diane M. Harvey, & Susan M. Bosco. 2013.   Psychology Research, 3 (12): 762-771. 

Getz, Jake; Matteo, Dylan; Rudkin, Alexander; Robinson, Arnold; and Bosco, Susan, (2013). History. 1. 

Larkin, Meredith B., Richard A. Bernardi, and Susan M. Bosco. 2012.    International Journal of Banking and Finance 9 (1): 1-16. 

Davis, Julia D., Richard A. Bernardi, & Susan M. Bosco. 2012.  International Business Research 5 (9): 49-59. 

Bianco, Candy A. & Susan M. Bosco. 2012.    Journal of American Academy of Business 18 (1): 75-82.  

Rapp, Jenny K., Richard A. Bernardi, & Susan M. Bosco. 2011.   International Business Research 4 (1): 3-15.  

Bianco, Candy A. & Susan M. Bosco. 2011.  Journal of Global Business Management 7 (1): 1-8. 

Melchar, David E. & Susan M. Bosco. 2010. " The Journal of Business Inquiry 9 (1): 74-88. 

Bosco, Susan M., David E. Melchar, L.L. Beauvais, L. L. & D.E. Desplaces, D. E. 2010. Ethics and Education 5 (3): 263-280. 

Bosco, Susan M., Diane M. Harvey, & G.E. Emmanuele, G. E. 2010.  "The Impact of 'Green Collar Workers on Organizations."  Management Research News 33 (5): 499-511.  

Bernardi, Richard A., Susan M. Bosco, & V.L. Columb. 2009.  Corporate Reputation Review 12 (3): 270-280.

Bosco, Susan. M.,  K.J. Jervis, & Diane M. Harvey.  2009.  "Multiple Intelligence Theory and Student Traits in Higher Education: An Empirical Study Using Collaborative Learning in a Strategic Management Seminar."  Journal of the Academy of Business Education. 10, 11-17. 

Bosco, Susan M., K.J. Jervis, & Diane M. Harvey.  2009.  "The Effect of Team Selection Method on the Occurrence and Nature of Conflict." Journal of Applied Research for Business Instruction 7(1).

Beauvais, L. L., D.E. Desplaces, David E. Melchar, & Susan M. Bosco. 2007.  "Business Faculty Perceptions and Actions Regarding Ethics Education."  Journal of Academic Ethics, 5: 121-136.  

Bosco, Susan M. & Diane M. Harvey. 2007.  "Effects of Terror Attacks on Students' Anxiety Levels and the Workplace - Five Years Later."  College Student Journal 42 (3), 895-905.  

Desplaces, D. M., L.L. Beauvais, David A. Melchar, & Susan M. Bosco. 2007.  "The Impact of Business Education on Moral Judgment Competence: An Empirical Study."  Journal of Business Ethics 74(1): 73-87.  

Bernardi, Richard A., Bosco, S. M., & Vassill, K. M. 2006.    Business and Society 45 (2), 235-248. 

Bosco, Susan M. & Candy A. Bianco. 2005.  "Influence of Maternal Work Patterns and Socio-Economic Status on Gen Y Lifestyle Choice." Journal of Career Development 32 (2): 165-182.  

Bosco, Susan M, W.B. McKenzie, & Kathleen A. Micken.  2005.  "Weaver's Cove Energy versus the city of Fall River, Massachusetts: An experience in the concepts of stakeholders, economic impact, and social obligation."  Organization Management Journal 2 (2).  

Bernardi, Richard. A., Susan M. Bosco, & K.M. Reis. 2004.  Journal of Business & Economics Research 2 (12): 1-10.  

Bosco, Susan M. & Diane Harvey. 2003.  "Effects of Terror Attacks on Employment Plans and Anxiety Levels of College Students." College Student Journal 37 (3): 438-446.  

Bosco, Susan M. & Candy A. Bianco. 2002.  "Ethical Issues in Credit Card Solicitation of College Students ' The Responsibilities of Credit Card Issuers, Higher Education, and Students." Teaching Business Ethics 6: 45-62.  

Bosco, Susan M. (2002).  "The Influence of External Factors on Women's Career Decisions."  Psychological Reports 91: 1105-1106.  

Bosco, Susan M. & Candy A. Bianco.  2000.  "Work-Life Balance - Perceptions of the Next Generation of Workers."  Management Development Forum 3 (2): 79-110.

Surette, T., Harvey, D. M., & Bosco, S. M. (2014).  The Effect of Racial Colorblindness on Employee Productivity.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.  

Bass, E., Harvey, D. M., & Bosco, S. (2014).  You Don't Need to be Dumb to Take Smart Drugs: The Emergence Of Alternative Drugs For Success In The Workplace. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.   

Patterson, S., Harvey, D. M., & Bosco, S. M. (2014).  Drawing the Line When Working from Home: The Benefits and Challenges of Telecommuters.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.    

Smith, T., Forman, A., Harvey, D. M., & Bosco, S. M. (2014).  "En Dogue": A Look at the Presence of Canines in the Workplace and their Effect on Productivity.  National Decision Sciences Institute Conference.     

Parker, S., Harvey, D. M., & Bosco, S. M. (2014).  Social Media: Poking, Tweeting, Blogging, and Posting are Becoming a Part of the Everyday Office Lingo.  National Decision Sciences Institute Conference.    

Parez, M., Silva, K., Bosco, S. M., & Harvey, D. M. (2013).  Linked into a job? The Ethical Considerations Of Recruiting Through LinkedIn.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Duquette, C., Manuel, K., Bosco, S. M., & Harvey, D. M. (2013).  Generational Effects on Recruitment and Workplace Productivity.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Davis, J. D., Bernardi, R. A., & Bosco, S. M. (2012).  Examining The Use Of Hofstede's Uncertainty Avoidance Construct In Ethics Research: A 29-Year Review.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.  

Diplacido, M., Diercksen, M., Bosco, S. M., & Harvey, D. M. (2012). Social Media in the Workplace.   Northeast Decision Sciences Annual Meeting, Brooklyn, New York.

Duquette, C., Manuel, K., Bosco, S. M., & Harvey, D. M. (2012). Generational Effects on Recruitment and Workplace Productivity.   Northeast Decision Sciences Annual Meeting, Brooklyn, New York.

Harvey, D. M. & Bosco, S. M. (2011).  The "Crackberry" User: Anticipating The Next Wave.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Dietel, K. M., McMann, S. P., Bosco, S. M., & Harvey, D. M. (2011).  Does Mobile Technology Help or Hinder Meeting Productivity?  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M. & Harvey, D. M. (2009).  Digital Dirt - What are Employers Digging Up?  International Decision Sciences Institute I Conference.  

Bosco, S. M., Sanchez, A. R., & Melchar, D. E. (2009).  Servant Leadership and World Values.  International Decision Sciences Institute Conference.  

Nye, E. A., Bosco, S. M., & Harvey, D. M. (2009).  What is the Workplace Coming To?  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Barnes, A. J., Bosco, S. M., & Harvey, D. M. (2009).  Entertainment at the Workplace.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Melchar, D. E., Bosco, S. M., & Cantrell, C. (2008).  Leadership for the next generation.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M., Harvey, D. M., & Emmanuele, G. M. (2008).  The impact of 'green collar workers' on organizations.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M., Harvey, D. M., & Falaguerra, R. (2006, March). The 'Ideal Workplace': an intergenerational view.   NEDSI, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Bosco, S. M., Harvey, D. M., & Wolf, M. J. (2006).  Potential outcomes of Smart Mobs' in the workplace.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M. & Harvey, D. M. (2006).  The conflict between employee privacy and employer security.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M. & Kohistani, A. (2006).  Microfinancing in Afghanistan - an examination of borrower characteristics. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M., Harvey, D. M., & Somers, J. S. (2006).  The great debate ' whose music belongs in the workplace?  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M., Melchar, D. E., Beauvais, L. L., & Desplaces, D. E. (2006).  The Impact of Classroom Methodologies on Business Ethics Education.  Eastern Academy of Management Conference.  

Bosco, S. M. & Harvey, D. M. (2005).  Student Perspectives On Team Work In Class: A Qualitative Study.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M. & Harvey, D. M. (2004).  Tattoos and Body Art in the Workplace ' An Update.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.  

Bernardi, R. A., Bosco, S. M., & Vassill, K. M. (2004).  Does Female Representation on Boards of Directors Associate with Fortune's 100 'Best Companies' List.  International Applied Business Research Conference.

Bosco, S. M., McKenzie, W. B., & Micken, K. A. (2004).  Weaver's Cove Energy versus the city of Fall River, Massachusetts: An experience in the concepts of stakeholders, economic impact, and social obligation/social responsibility.  Eastern Academy of Management Conference.  

Bosco, S. M. & Crudele, L. (2003).  Mintzberg's Management Roles ' A Study of the Hospitality Industry.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Bosco, S. M. & Bianco, C. A. (2002).  Influence of Maternal Work Pattern and Socio-Economic Status on Gen Y Lifestyle Choice.  National Business and Economics Society Conference.  

Bosco, S. M. & Bianco, C. (2002, April). Financial Literacy ' Surveys of College Students and Business School.   Eastern Finance Association, Baltimore, Maryland.

Bosco, S. M. & Bianco, C. A. (2001).  Financial Illiteracy of College Students.  National Business and Economics Society Conference.  

Bosco, S. M. (2001, April). Financial Illiteracy of College Students.   Eastern Finance Association Conference

Bosco, S. M. & Bianco, C.A. (2000).  Ethics in Financial Literacy Counseling.  Seventh Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics.  

Bosco, S. M. (1998).  The Processes of Corporate Culture Change in Mergers and Acquisitions.  Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference. 

Braver, Adam

Braver, Adam.   University of New Orleans Press, 2022. 

Braver, Adam. Preface. . Rogers Free Library, 2017. 

Braver, Adam. . Outpost, 2017. 

Braver, Adam and Abby DeVeuve, editors.  University of New Orleans Press, 2017. 

Braver, Adam and Ashley Barton, editors. , by Ilham, Jewher, UNO Press, 2015.

Braver, Adam and Molly Gessford, editors. , by Normando Hernández González, translated by Cynthia Guardado, Uno Press, 2012. 

Braver, Adam. . Tin House Books, 2012. 

Braver, Adam. Tin House Books, 2008.

Braver, Adam. . William Morrow, 2006. 

Braver, Adam. William Morrow, 2005. 

Braver, Adam. William Morrow, 2003.

Breen, Nancy

Breen, N.E., Bonanno, J.A., Hunt, S., Grossman, J., Brown, J., Nolte, H., & Rhyne, A.L. (2019).  PeerJ, 7, e6644, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6644.

Breen, N,E., Loewenstein, J., Metivier, R., Andrade, L., & Rhyne, A.L. (2018). . PLOS ONE 13(5), e0196841. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0196841 pmid:29847597 

Possinger, A.*, L.B. Byrne, N. Breen. 2013.  Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176: 16-18. 

Cassiano, E.J., C.L. Ohs, C.R. Weirich, N.E. Breen, and A.L. Rhyne. 2011.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 73: 114-123. 

Morris, J.A., A. Thomas, A.L. Rhyne, N. Breen, L. Akins, and B. Nash. 2011. Aquaculture, Aquariums, Conservation & Legislation 5: 99-102.

Brigidi, Stephan

Brigidi, Stephan.. BVT Publishing, 2015. 

Brigidi, Stephan, et al.  Sunning Dale Pub./Bristol Workshops in Photography, 1996. 

Brooks, Kelly

Reisen, Carol A., Kelly D. Brooks, Maria Cecilia Zea, Paul J. Poppen, and Fernanda T. Bianchi. 2013. "Can additive measures add to an intersectional understanding? experiences of gay and ethnic discrimination among HIV-positive Latino gay men." Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 19: 208-217.

Bianchi, Fernanda T., Michele G. Shedlin, Kelly D. Brooks, Marcelo Montes Penha, Carol A. Reisen, Maria Cecilia Zea, and Paul J. Poppen. 2010. "Partner selection among Latino immigrant men who have sex with men." Archives of Sexual Behavior 39: 1321-1330.

Henderson-King, Donna and Kelly D. Brooks. 2009. "Materialism, sociocultural appearance messages, and paternal attitudes predict college women's attitudes about cosmetic surgery." Psychology of Women Quarterly 33: 133-142.

Brooks, Kelly D., Lisa Bowleg, and Kathryn Quina. 2009. "Minority sexual status among minorities." In Sexualities and identities of minority women, edited by Loue, Sana, 41-63. New York: Springer.

Brooks, Kelly D. and Kathryn Quina. 2009. "Women's sexual identity patterns: differences among lesbians, bisexuals, and unlabeled women." Journal of Homosexuality 56: 1030-1045.

Bowleg, Lisa, Kelly D. Brooks, and Susan Faye Ritz. 2008. 'Bringing home more than a paycheck': An exploratory analysis of black lesbians' experiences of stress and coping in the workplace." Journal of Lesbian Studies 12: 69-84.

Burdick, Bruce

Burdick, Bruce.  John Hopkins University Press, 2009. 

Butler, Sara

Wilson, Richard Guy, and Sara A. Butler.  Oxford University Press, 2002. 

Wilson, Richard Guy, and Sara A. Butler. . Princeton Architectural Press, 1999. 

Byrne, Loren

Ellwanger, J.H., Byrne, L.B. and Chies, J.A.B. 2022. Urban Ecosystems (25)

Byrne, L.B. 2022. Posted on Beneath Our Feet: The Blog of the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative. 

Byrne, L.B. and Szlavecz, K. 2023. Pp. 154-1771 in M. Aronson and C. Nilon, eds. Routledge Handbook of Urban Biodiversity. Routledge Press. 

Byrne, L. B. (2022).  Conservation Letters. e12900. 

Byrne, L.B. 2022. Using the prepositional framework for urban environmental education: Teaching and learning about ecology in, of, for, and with cities. In D. Mutnick et al. eds. The City is an Ecosystem. Routledge Press. 

Byrne, L.B. 2022. Afterword: Transdisciplinary Urban Ecosystem Research, Education and Stewardship. In D. Mutnick et al. eds. The City is an Ecosystem. Routledge Press. 

Byrne, L.B. (2022). Urban Ecosystems 25, 835–837. 

Goddard, M., Davies, Z., Guenat, S., Ferguson, M., Fisher, J., Akanni, A., Ahjokoski, T., Anderson, P., Angeoletto, F., Antoniou, C., Bates, A., Barkwith, A., Berland, A., Bouch, C., Rega-Brodsky, C., Byrne, L., Cameron, D., Canavan, R., Chapman, T., Connop, S., Crossland, S., Dade, M., Dawson, D., Dobbs, C., Downs, C., Ellis, E., Escobedo, F., Gobster, P., Gulsrud, N., Guneralp, B., Hahs, A., Hale, J., Hassall, C., & Hedblom, M. (2021).  Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5 (2). 

Byrne, L.B. 2021. Socioecological Soil Restoration in Urban Cultural Landscapes. Pp. 373-410 in: J.A. Stanturf and M.A. Callaham, eds. Soils and Landscape Restoration. Wiley Publishers. 

Bennett, A., Preedy, K., Golubski, A., Umbanhowar, J., Borrett, S., Byrne, L., Apostol, K., Bever, J., Biederman, L., Classen, A., Cuddington, K., De Graaff, M., Garrett, K., Gross, L., Hastings, A., Hoeksema, J., Hrynkiv, V., Karst, J., Kummel, M., Lee, C., Liang, C., Liao, W., Mack, K., Miller, L., Ownley, B., Rojas, C., Simms, E., Walsh, V., Warren, M., & Zhu, J. (2019). : . Ecosphere, 10 (7). 

Byrne, L.B., R.K. Thiet, V.B. Chaudhary. (2016). . Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14: 238-240. 

Byrne, L.B. 2016. An Introductory Examination of Worldviews and Why They Matter For Environmental and Sustainability Studies. In: LB Byrne, ed. Springer, New York. 2016. 

Byrne, L.B. 2016. Conservation Triage: Debating Which Species to Save and Why. In: LB Byrne, ed. . Springer, New York. 2016. 

Setälä, H., Bardgett, R.D., Birkhofer, K. et al. (2014).  Urban Ecosyst 17, 239–253. 

Possinger, A.*, L.B. Byrne, N. Breen. 2013. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176: 16-18. 

Byrne, L.B. 2013. " EcoEd Digital Library. 

Byrne, L.B. 2012. " Online Resource with the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. 

Pavao-Zuckerman, M.A., L.B. Byrne. 2009. Urban Ecosystems 12: 9-20. 

Byrne, L.B., M.A. Bruns, K.C. Kim. 2008. " Ecosystems 11: 1065-1077. 

Byrne, L.B. 2008. Cities and the Environment 1(2): article 2, 3 pp. 

Byrne, L.B., P. Grewal. 2008. Cities and the Environment 1(2): article 3, 20 pp. 

Baker, L., A. Brazel, L. Byrne, A. Felson, M. Grove, K. Hill, K.C. Nelson, J. Walker, V. Shandas. 2007. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, October: 404-409. 

Byrne, L.B. 2007. Urban Ecosystems 10: 255-274. 

 Kim, K.C., L.B. Byrne. 2006. Ecological Research 21: 794-810. 

Byrne, L.B. 2005. "Of looks, laws and lawns: How human aesthetic preferences influence landscape management, public policies and urban ecosystems." In D. Laband, ed., y, pp. 42-46. Auburn University, Auburn, GA.

Byrne, L.B., M.A. Bruns. 2004. "." Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 21: 150-156.  

Bruns, M.A, L.B. Byrne. 2004. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Science Education 33: 85-91. 

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