Faculty Scholarship - M

MacPhee, Marybeth J.

MacPhee, Marybeth J.  Carolina Academic Press, 2012. 

Mair, Marilynn

Mair, Marilynn.  Melbay, 2008.

Marlowe, Bruce

Canestrari, A. S., & Marlowe, B. A.. (Eds.). (2018).  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 

Canestrari, Alan, and Bruce A. Marlowe. 2013.  Educational Foundations: An Anthology of Critical Readings. 3rd Edition ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Marlowe, Bruce, "Of books and barbecues" (2008). Paper 8.

Marlowe, Bruce, and Alan Canestrari, editors.  Sage Publications, 2006. 

Marlowe, Bruce, and Marilyn L. Page.  Corwin Press, 2005. 

Canestrari, Alan, and Marlowe, Bruce, (2005). School of Education Faculty Publications. Paper 1. 

Canestrari, Alan, and Bruce Marlowe.  Sage Publications, 2004. 

Marriot, Karla Sue

An Interdisciplinary STEM NIH Grant; In On Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Approach; Information Age Publishing (IAP) 2023. 

Sargent, Elizabeth; Shaikh, Abid; Marriott, Karla Sue; Porter, Taysia; Cannon-Rech, Dawn N.; and Landge, Shainaz M. (2022)  International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (16) : 1. 

Marshall, Philip

Marshall, Philip, contributor. Edited by Christopher A. Cain et al., University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program, 1980. 

Martin, Jeffrey

Martin, Jeffrey. UMI Research Press, 1985. 

Martino, Nicole

Palm, William J., Nicole Martino, and Benjamin D. McPheron. STILAS: STEM Intercultural Leadership Ambassador Scholars in Biology, Marine Biology, and Engineering. Proceedings of the 124th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH, June 2017.

McCormack, Rachel

McCormack, Rachel, and Susan Pasquarelli. Guilford Press, 2010. 

Paratore, Jeanne, and Rachel McCormack, editors. The Guilford Press, 2007. 

Paratore, Jeanne, and Rachel McCormack. Guilford Press, 2005. 

McCormack, Rachel, and Jeanne Paratore, editors. International Reading Association, 2003.

McKenzie, W. Brett

Bosco, Susan M, W.B. McKenzie, & Kathleen A. Micken.  2005.  "Weaver's Cove Energy versus the city of Fall River, Massachusetts: An experience in the concepts of stakeholders, economic impact, and social obligation."  Organization Management Journal 2 (2).

McMahon, Kathleen

McMahon, Kathleen. Developing Non-Hierarchical Leadership on Campus: Case Studies and Best Practices in Higher Education, edited by Charles L. Outcalt et al., Greenwood Press, 2001. 

McMullen, Susan

McMullen, Susan and Learned, Betsy Peck. (2008). Librarian Publications. Paper 12.

McMullen, Susan.  February 2008. PEB Exchange: The Journal of the OECD Programme on Educational Building

McMullen, Susan, (2007). Librarian Publications. Paper 10.

McMullen, Susan, Patricia Brennan, Joanna Burkhardt, and Marla Wallace.  2006.    In Handbook of Electronic and Digital Acquisitions, edited by Thomas E. Leonhardt, 61-90. New York: Haworth Press.

McMullen, Susan, Beatrice Pulliam. 2006. "Ryt? Are You There? A Consortium’sSwitch to IM Reference."  College and Undergraduate Libraries 13 (4): 55-73

McMullen, Susan. 2001.   Reference Services Review 29 (1): 7-22.

McMullen, Susan. 2000. Journal of Government Information 27 (5): 581 -593.

McPheron, Benjamin

McPheron, Benjamin D., Gratiano, Stephanie M., and William J. Palm. Proceedings of the 7th Annual First Year Engineering Education Conference, Roanoke, VA, August 2015.

Melchar, David

Melchar, David E. & Susan M. Bosco. 2010.  The Journal of Business Inquiry 9 (1): 74-88. 

Bosco, Susan M., David E. Melchar, L.L. Beauvais, L. L. & D.E. Desplaces, D. E. 2010.  Ethics and Education 5 (3): 263-280. 

Desplaces, D. M., L.L. Beauvais, David A. Melchar, & Susan M. Bosco. 2007.  "The Impact of Business Education on Moral Judgment Competence: An Empirical Study."  Journal of Business Ethics 74(1): 73-87.

Mele, Kate

Mele, Kate. 2011. "Travelblogging Ireland: An Old Genre in a New Landscape." In Teaching with Multimedia :Pedagogy in the Websphere, edited by O'Connell, Roxanne M. Vol. 1, 153-165. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press.

Mele, Kate. 2011.  "The Eternal Flame." Gettysburg Review 24, (2): 231-238.

Mele, Kate (2005) Reason and Respect: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 8.

Meriwether, Jeffrey

Meriwether, Jeffrey, and Laura D'Amore. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. 

Micken, Kathleen

Bosco, Susan M, W.B. McKenzie, & Kathleen A. Micken.  2005.  "Weaver's Cove Energy versus the city of Fall River, Massachusetts: An experience in the concepts of stakeholders, economic impact, and social obligation."  Organization Management Journal 2 (2).

Moore, Adam

Lynn, T. G., Farnan, S., Rueter, J. A., & Moore, A. (2022). Journal of Special Education Preparation, 2(1), 42-51. 

Moore, A., Higgins, A., Doulette, C., Hoff, K., & Sarbh, S. (in press, 2022).  In L. Meda, & J. Chitiyo (Eds.), Inclusive Pedagogical Practices Amidst a Global Pandemic: Issues and Perspectives Around the Globe. New York: Springer.

Moore, A., Brand, S. T. (2021). A Grand Challenge: Facilitating Service-Learning for Social Justice. In Management Association I. (Ed.). Research Anthology on Instilling Social Justice in the Classroom. (pp. 122-137).  Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Moore, A. (2020). In S. Brand, & L. Ciccomascolo (Eds.), Social Justice and Putting Theory Into Practice in Schools and Communities (pp. 210-226). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 

Moore, A., Kern, V., Carlson, A., Vaccaro, A., Kimball, E. W., Abbott, J. A., Troiano, P. F., Newman, B. M. (2020). Constructing a sense of purpose and a professional teaching identity: Experiences of teacher candidates with disabilities. The Educational Forum. 

Mangiante Silva, E. & Moore, A. (2019).  Journal of STEM Teacher Education, 54(1), 1-23. 

Connolly, J., Adamy, P., & Moore, A. (2019).  Journal of Special Education Leadership, 32 (2), 86-102.

Moore, A. (2019). In S. Brand and L. Ciccomascolo (Eds). Social Justice and Education: Putting Theory into Practice in Schools and Communities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 

Flippin, M., Moore, A., & Clapham, E. (2019). In S. Brand and L. Ciccomascolo, (Eds). Social Justice and Education: Putting Theory into Practice in Schools and Communities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 

Mangiante Silva, E., & Moore, A. (2019).  Journal of Classroom Interaction, 54(2), 57-73. 

Vaccaro, A., Kimball, E. W., Newman, B. M., Moore, A., & Troiano, P. F. (2019).  The Review of Higher Education, 43(1), 403-426. 

Vaccaro, A., Moore, A., Kimball, E. W., Troiano, P. F., & Newman, B. M. (2019).  Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 56(2), 181-193. 

Balestracci, K., Sebelia, L., Greene, G., Moore, A., Chappell, K., & Tovar, A. (2019).  Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 51(7), 834-842. 

Moore, A., & Brand, S. T. (2018). In T. Meidl, & M. Sulentic Dowell (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Service-Learning Initiatives in Teacher Education Programs (pp. 429-444). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 

Mangiante Silva, E. & Moore, A. (2018). In M. Koomen, S. Kahn, C. Atchison, & T. Wild, (Eds). Toward Inclusion of All Learners Through Science Teacher Education. Sense Publishing.

Kimball, E. W., Vaccaro, A., Tissi-Gassoway, N., Bobot, D., Moore, A., Troiano, P. F., & Newman, B. M. (2018).  Disability Studies Quarterly,38(2) 

Newman, B. M., Vaccaro, A., Kimball, E. W., Moore, A., & Troiano, P. F. (2018).  Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 42(2), 1-11.

Beaudoin, W. & Moore, A. (2018).  Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 56(3), 155-164. 

Vaccaro, A., Kimball, E. W., Moore, A., Newman, B. M., & Troiano, P. F. (2018).  Journal of College Student Development, 59(1), 37-54. 

Moore, A., Clapham, E., & Deeney, T. (2017).  International Journal of Disability, Development, & Education, 65(3), 304-317. 

Moore, A. & Semnoski, C. (2016). In K. Peno, E. Silva Mangiante, and R. Kenahan, (Eds.), Mentoring in Formal and Informal Contexts, Charlotte (pp. 179-196). NC: Information Age Publishing. 

Kimball, E., Moore, A., Vaccaro, A., Troiano, P., & Newman, B. (2016). Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 9(3), 245-260.

Mangiante Silva, E. & Moore, A. (2015).  Kappa Delta Pi Record, 51(3), 131-137. 

Hamilton-Jones, B. & Moore, A. (2013).  Kappa Delta Pi Record, 49(4), 156-161.

Motta, Bernardo

Motta, B. H. (August, 2023). Let’s Gather’s Medium. White paper produced for Gather, a community engagement journalism network of the Agora Journalism Center at the University of Oregon. 

Motta, B. H. (2022). Community Journalism: The pandemic as catalyst for change. In T. Sylvia (Ed.), Journalism and the Pandemic: Essays on Adaptation and Innovation. McFarland. 

Jackson, J., Rosen, E. and Motta, B. H. (Summer, 2022). Communities of Hope Rhode Island (and beyond). Our Community: The Community Journalism Interest Group Newsletter.   

Motta, B. H. (September, 2020).  SEJournal

Motta, B. H. (2020). The Education Needs of Future Environmental Journalists. In J. M. Valenti & D. B. Sachsman (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Journalism. Oxon, U.K.: Routledge.

Motta, B. H. (February, 2020) Inverting the burden on disabled students. The Crow’s Nest. 

Acosta, I., & Motta, B. (2018). Գٱçõ:Sociedade e as Novas Modernidades, (34), 141-160. 

Motta, B. H. (2017). Freedom of the press as a right of the people to know about the acts of their government: A brief history. CAPA Occasional Publications No. 6: Civil Rights and Inequalities.

Palenchar, M. J., & Motta, B. H. (2012). Environmental risk communication: Right to know as a core value for behavioral change. In L. Ahern, & D. S. Bortree (Eds.), Talking green: Exploring contemporary issues in environmental communications (pp. 79-104). New York, NY: Peter Lang. 

Motta, B. H., & Cotton, M. (eds.). (2011). Engaging with Environmental Justice: Governance, Education and Citizenship. Oxford, England: Inter-disciplinary Net.

Motta, B.H. (2011). “The Community’s Right to Know about Toxic Spills in the American Legislation,” in Inter-disciplinary Net, Motta, B., & Cotton, M. (Eds). Engaging with Environmental Justice: Governance, Education and Citizenship. Oxford, England.

Motta, B. H., Wright, E., & Miller, J. (2007, May-June). News media ethics: A road map. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Waikiki, Hawaii. 

Miller, J., Motta, B. H., Jolley, E., et al. (2007, May-June). “Beastly virus”: An analysis of The New York Times’ framing of bird flu since 1997.Proceedings of the 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Waikiki, Hawaii. 

Motta, B. H. (2004, August). Interactive technologies and reality in contemporary narrative. Proceedings of the I Forum of the Post Graduate Program in Communication of PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Mulligan, Debra

Mulligan, Debra. 2018. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.

Mulligan, Debra. 2010.  "Little Italies." In Encyclopedia of American Immigration, 673. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, Inc.

Mulligan, Debra. 2010. "World War II and Immigration." In Encyclopedia of American Immigration, 1077. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, Inc.

Mulligan, Debra. 2009.  "December 2004: Boston Alderman is Reelected while in Jail for Fraud." In Great Events from History: Modern Scandals, 6. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, Inc.

Mulligan, Debra. 2009. "November 16, 1951: Federal Tax Official Resigns After Accepting Bribes." In Great Events from History: Modern Scandals, 279. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, Inc.

Mulligan, Debra. 2009. "Reading and the Second World War: 1941-1960." In Cultural History of Reading, edited by Quay, Sara E., 241. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Mulligan, Debra. 2008. "1997-1998: Famine in North Korea." In Great Events from History: The 20th Century, 1971-2000, 2866. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, Inc.

Mulligan, Debra. 2008.  "July 28, 1976: Deadly Earthquake Strikes China"." In Great Events from History: The 20th Century, 1971-2000, 781. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, Inc.

Mulligan, Debra. 2008. Historical Journal of Massachusetts XXXV, (Winter): 52-77.

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