Faculty Scholarship - U

Uchida, Craig

Swatt, Marc L., Sean P. Varano, Craig D. Uchida and Shellie E. Solomon. 2013. Journal of Criminal Justice 41(1): 1-11.  

Ullucci, Kerri

Ullucci, Kerri. 2012. Teaching Education 23, (1): 89-107.

Ullucci, Kerri.  2011. Action in Teacher Education 33 (4): 389-405. 

Ullucci, Kerri and D. Battey. 2011. Urban Education 46 (6): 1195-1225. 

Ullucci, Kerri. 2011. Race, Ethnicity and Education 14 (4): 561-577. 

Ullucci, Kerri. 2010. Teacher Education Quarterly 37 (2): 137-157.

Ullucci, Kerri.2009. "Teaching in a Multicultural Classroom." In The New International Handbook of Teachers and Teaching, edited by Saha, L. and A. Dworkin. New York: Springer.

Ullucci, Kerri.  2009. Journal of Classroom Interaction 44 (1): 13-27.

Ullucci, Kerri and J. Spencer. 2009. The Urban Review 41 (2): 161-173.

Ullucci, Kerri/ 2007. The Journal of Educational Controversy 2.

Howard, T., A. Ifekwunigwe, R. Williams, K. Ullucci, & K. Webber.  2006. Closing the achievement gap in National Board Certification: Optimal Support for African American Teacher Candidates. (Final Research Report). Arlington, VA: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

Ullucci, Kerri. 2006. "Book Review: Narrowing the Literacy Gap: What Works in High-Poverty Schools." Teachers College Record.  

Ullucci , Kerri 2006. Urban Education 41(5), 533-540.

Ullucci, Kerri. Spring, 2005.   Multicultural Education 12 (3), 41-44. 

Updike, Adria

Greiner, J. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2013. Astronomy & Astrophysics 560: A70. 

Virgil. F.J. ...... A. C. Updike, et al. 2013. Astrophysical Journal 778: 54.

Zauderer. B.A. ...... A.C. Updike, et al. 2013.  Astrophysical Journal 767: 161.

Rau, A. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2012. Astronomy & Astrophysics 538: 26. 

Olivares, E.F. ...... A. Updike, et al. 2012. Astronomy & Astrophysics 53: 76.

Greiner, J. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2012.  "GROND View of \dark Bursts" and the Related Bias in Host Galaxy Properties." Memorie Della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement 21: 121. 

Guelbenzu, N. ........ A. Updike, et al. 2012. Astronomy & Astrophysics 538: 7. 

Guelbenzu, N. ........ A. Updike, et al. 2012. Astronomy & Astrophysics 548: 101. 

Rossi, A. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2012. Astronomy & Astrophysics 545: 77.

Savaglio, S. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2012. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 420: 627. 

Guelbenzu, N. ........ A. Updike, et al. 2011. Astronomy & Astrophysics 531 (6). 

Clemens, C. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2011. "GRB 071028B, a Burst Behind Large Amounts of Dust in an Unabsorbed Galaxy." Astronomy & Astrophysics 529: 110. 

Filgas, R. ....... A. Updike, et al.  2011. Astronomy & Astrophysics 535: 57. 

Perley, D..A., A. N. Morgan, A. C. Updike, et al. 2011. Astronomical Journal 141: 36.

Greiner, J. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2011. Astronomy & Astrophysics 526: 30. 

Nardini, M. ...... A. Updike, et al. 2011.    Astronomy & Astrophysics 531: 39. 

Kruhler, T. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2011. "Photometric Redshifts for Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows from GROND and Swift/UVOT." Astronomy & Astrophysics 526: 153. 

Kruhler, T. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2011. Astronomy & Astrophysics 534: 108. 

Chu, You-Hua ....... A. Updike, et al. 2011. Astronomical Journal 142: 75. 

Rossi, A. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2011. Astronomy & Astrophysics 529: 142. 

Filgas, R. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2011. Astronomy & Astrophysics 526: 113. 

Kann, D.A. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2010. Astrophysical Journal 720: 1513. 

McBreen, S. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2010.  "Optical and Near-Infrared Follow-Up Observations of Four Fermi/LAT GRBs: Redshifts, Afterglows, Energetics,and Host Galaxies." Astronomy & Astrophysics 516: 71. 

Perley, D.A. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2010. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 406: 2473.

Rau, A. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2010.  Astrophysical Journal 720: 862. 

Kruhler, T. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2009. Astronomy & Astrophysics 508: 593. 

Rossi, A. ....... A. Updike, et al. 2008. Astronomy & Astrophysics 491: 29. 

Updike, Adria C. et al. 2008. Astrophysical Journal 685: 361. 

Gomboc, A. ........ A. Updike, et al. 2008.  Astrophysical Journal 687: 443. 

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