Faculty Scholarship - Z

Zaitchik, Matt

Zaitchik, M.C., Gamache, K., & Platania, J. (2023).  IAFOR Journal of Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, 9, (1), 27-44. 

Gamache, K., Platania, J., & Zaitchik, M. (2021).  Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 16(1), 52-64. 

Gamache, K., Zaitchik, M. C., Platania, J., & Rieger, D. J. (2019). [Electronic Version]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice,15(2), 141-156.

Zaitchik, M.C. 2017. In Pirelli, G., Beattey, R.A., and Zapf, P. (Eds.) The Ethical Practice of Forensic Psychology: A Casebook. New York: Oxford University Press.

Zaitchik, M.C. 2017. In Pirelli, G., Beattey, R.A., and Zapf, P. (Eds.) The Ethical Practice of Forensic Psychology: A Casebook. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Zaitchik, M.C. 2017, July. Detection of Deception: State of the Science. Plenary paper presented at The American Bankruptcy Institute, Northeast annual conference. Newport, RI.

Fleischmann, M.,  Cottle, J., Zaitchik, M.C., Bennel, C., McKenna, R., & Platania, J. 2016, September. An Evaluation of a Police Crisis Responder Model in Rhode Island for Persons with Mental Illness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology, Austin, TX.

Gamache, K., J. Platania and M.C. Zaitchik. 2015.  Open  Access Journal of Forensic Psychology 7: 1-20. 

Gamache, K.,  J. Platania and M.C. Zaitchik. 2013.  Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology 5: 53-80. 

Zaitchik, M. C., F. DiCataldo, and L. Condie. 2011. American Psychology-Law News 31 (1).

DiCataldo, F., M. C. Zaitchik, and K. Provencher. 2009. "Youth Violence: Prevalence, Etiology, and Treatment." In Andrade, J. T. (Ed.) Treatment and Evaluation in Forensic Mental Health Practice. New York: Springer Publishing.

Grudzinskas, A.J., D. J. Brodsky, M.C. Zaitchik, F. DiCataldo, and P. Federoff.  2009. "Sexual Predator Laws and their History." In Saleh, F. M., A. J. Grudzinskas, J. M. Bradford and D. J. Brodsky (Eds.) Sex Offenders: Identification, Risk Assessment, Treatment, and Legal Issues. New York: Oxford University Press.

Zaitchik, Matt C. 2008. "Automatism." In Cutler, B (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Zaitchik, M. C. and T. H. Barese. 2008. "Personality Disorders." In Cutler, B (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Zaitchik, M. C., G. L. Berman, D. Whitworth, and J. Platania. 2007. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 7 (2): 65. 

Zaitchik, M. C., and D. L. Mosher. 1993. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 20(3)227-239. 

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