Common Questions & Answers

Leverage Your Experience From Day One.

When you take advantage of your prior experiences for college credit, you save time and money and can prioritize learning what you need to know. University College can help save you money by recognizing you for your college level experience prior to enrolling at UC. Finish your degree faster by having these credits assessed to your official transcripts. ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ | UC  knows your college experience is personal to you, and prior learning credit allows you more time to learn the things you need and want to learn to further your own personal goals.

What do you consider Prior Learning?

Different types of PLAWe have identified ten different types of experience that we consider prior learning.

We value your life experience. We consider certificates and licenses, workshops and trainings completed for work or pleasure, military, federal, and state training, and we count Continuing Education Credits (CEU's). Your experience may count for up to 90 credits toward a Bachelor's degree.

What experience counts?

ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ | UC may award you college credit for workplace training and education programs, professional licenses, certifications, challenge exams, and other credentials. Reviewed training is typically offered by corporations, government agencies, labor unions, and professional associations, or done through a portfolio process.

You can browse already approved experiences to see what credit you already have.

Find My Experience

How do I get credit for these experiences?

Students may apply PLA credits to any part of a degree program, including the area of study (major). These credits must be appropriate and not exceed the limitation of transferable credits from any one source, and students must successfully complete the reviewed learning experiences within the specified effective dates of the review and submit appropriate documentation. You will fill out a Prior Learning Assessment Application for experiences found on our lists, as well as though that you want us to review for credit through the PLA Portal

What Makes ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ | UC unique regarding PLA?

ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ | UC recognizes what makes you unique, and allows considers your life experiences, and volunteerism and community work in addition to those more official types of prior learning stemming from the workplace.  That's why we have the portfolio process. You can find more about this on the PLA Portal.

What if my experience is not on the list?

It's ok! We will assess your experience and determine if college credit can be awarded. All you have to do is complete the provide necessary information about the experience and we will take it from there. You can find more information on the PLA Portal.              

What are other opportunities to earn credit outside of a classroom?

We would like to explore these options with you! In addition to Prior Learning, we offer internships, individualized studies, study abroad opportunities, short term domestic trip courses, and independent research projects. Talk to your advisor about these opportunities.

Does it matter how long ago I received my credential?

Nope. We will take the credential from whenever you earned it. We also know that your prior life experience doesn't have an end date- so whenever and however you learned it doesn't matter. You do have to provide evidence that you met the requirements for the credential, or that you can meet course outcomes if you are choosing the Portfolio option. You can get more information on the PLA Portal.

Students smile in libraryHow long does it take to get credits posted?

For new Prior Learning Assessments (experiences not found on our approved lists), and the Portfolio option, we have found that 14 business days from submission to response is needed for a credit determination. However, in many cases we have been able to turn decisions around in a shorter time frame than 14 days.  If your experience is found on our lists, and fits within your degree plan, it may take up to a week to process it.

When should I begin the process?

Today! You should start thinking about your experiences and browse through our approved trainings, certificates, licenses, and work experience to get an idea of the type of experience we accept. Only students accepted and enrolled can begin the Portfolio. You can get more information on the portfolio process on the Planning for Prior Learning Assessment webpage. If you are not sure about how your experience fits with your plans for college, you can reach out to a Pathway Specialist with the button below.

How are credit determinations made?

There are many factors that go into a credit determination. The process differs slightly based on if your experience is a license/certificate, workshop/training, or Portfolio. Considerations include the amount of time spend in a classroom setting (seat time), how many content hours spent working with a subject matter expert, how the credential was assessed by those who offer it, and  standards. Course outcomes and educational/professional /industry standards are matched through this consideration. 

Do all requests for prior learning credit get approved?

While we want you to leverage your experience to further your educational goals, there are some experiences that simply do not equate to college level learning. If we find that the experience you have submitted cannot be accepted for credit, we consider how we can bundle it with other experience to provide a more organic and robust request for prior learning.  All Prior Learning Requests will get one of four determinations:

  • Experience is approved, with the credit amount noted.
  • Request for additional materials for incomplete requests.
  • Suggestion to undertake the portfolio option or a more robust submission.
  • Denial of credit